Today the power of ancient Indian art of meditation YOGA is know to one and all. Big celebrities and starlets of west and Hollywood have been imbibed this yoga culture for what not be it relaxation, mental peace, dieting, rehab and even concentration. Yoga does mental exercise and makes our bodies fit. The most famous and easy to do of all yoga exercises is PRAYANAM.

PRAYANAM is the most basic and most effective of all yoga exercise and proves beneficial in one all conditions. Usually it is done in the morning in open air if possible for abouit 5-10 minutes.

The procedure for PRAYANAM is:

Set up your yoga mat and sit in the clean air in early morning air or evening. Take deep breath and release one by one from each nostrils slowly, pressing one nostril with your thumb and releasing from others. Repeat it 10 times. You would not only be charged up but also increase metabolism and makes you more charged up for the rest of the day.


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  1. Card Shuffling May 22, 2011 at 5:16 PM  

    It is well told.