Dogs are one of the most favored and widely used pets all over the world in fact Wikipedia claims over 60% family have dogs or would have dogs as the pet in their house. Dogs are not just pet but come very handy canine and very soon become part of the family and take small responsibility be it take care of securing the house, playing with kids, fetching news paper and many other trifle but significant chores. Though if not taken proper care of dogs they develop itchy rashes and skins troubles these can get compounded if not taken seriously. Though the market has many such creams treating your dog to such chemical and toxic is not a wise decision, when we do have a totally natural, organic cure for the itchy dogs.

The use of lavender oil rinse after washing with lukewarm water will heal the dog or even cat from the itchy skin disorder. Just mix warm water and some pure lavender oil(4-5 drops/bucket)and give your dog a bath with it, this will leave them smelling great, nice and soft and also helps to soothe their itches and reduce the rash skins marks due to itches like the one shown below in the picture
itchy dog


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