The most Green remedies have been adopted by many firms like Cisco which has made most of it's office nature friendly and go by the slogan GO Green . In many office extensive use of electricity, coffee machine, computers, printers, copiers causes lots of global warming, heat production and add a lot of the carbon footprint mostly the copiers and printers. To reduce the carbon footprint the hard copies should be kept to miunimum and most documnets should be kept in soft copies which is very cheap and convienent too.
Most of the laser printers and copiers emit toner dust and ozone gas which is toxic, this toxic and footprints can be reduced very easily by some simple green home remedies.
One should ensure to have the office fitted with ozone filters and get them replaced periodically.All the copiers and printers machines should be kept in big, ventilated rooms for the proper spread of heat and dust particles attracted to it by static charge . Use toner masks while replacing them and have several plants in the office which can absorb toxic gases released by copiers/printers. Plants which can do so are Aloes, Diaolan, Homigot Lan, a Hippeophyllum, Guibei Zhu they are like natural scavenger also Diaolan can absorb more than 80 percent of the harmful gases like sulfur dioxide, chlorine, ethyl ether, ethylene, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides And other harmful substances, along with the ability to absorb formaldehyde.
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