Blackheads are the most common of the skins problem which plauges people from all over the world the plug filled with basically black and sometimes yellow and white bump. This is caused to the excessive oil accumulation in ducts and due to the bad hygiene. Blackhead are a special type of acne and normal type of procedure dont work well with blackheads. Though there are many , though there are many natural home remedies which can be very effective in removal of blackheads.

To remove and prevent blackheads use oatmeal
Make a thick paste of yogurt and oatmeal in cold water in a bowl. now Apply it over the affected area with cotton swabs and let it dry, after 15 minutes Rinse with plain cold water. do this every night for best effects.

Use honey to remove blackheads

Warm a spoonful of honey and add a few drops of lemon juice in it . Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and apply on the affected areas in a uniform layer form .Let teh mask dry for 15 minutes, dry in air and wash after 10-15 minutes with cold water.


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  1. abdul mateen September 14, 2009 at 11:50 AM  

    hey tell me how to remove damn acne left over spots ;-)

  2. Salon June 23, 2012 at 12:38 PM  

    Best information on skin care according to me on the topic. One must read it. Very informative and valuable.