Well of late we have been giving a lots of tips and homely remedies for better skin care and health care. Removing black head by home remedies was discussed some time back and now we are here to teach how to remove the ugly scars which stay behind even long after the acne are gone. Though there are many acne removing lotion such option are limited when it comes to getting rid of acne scars. Think no more just read this homely technique to cure acne scars easy and quick way.

The following home remedies is highly beneficial to any facial scars, blemishes, acne and even injury marks and make the skin texture very even and smooth.
All needed for this is are

1.) Buy some vitamin E capsules.(they are cheaply available at any general stores)

2.) Break them and take out the fluid. ( they are in powder form, mix thoroughly in water to make a smooth paste)

3.)Smear this fluid on the scars all across with a cotton dab.

4.)If you do not have oily skin you can further apply some honey and rub it into the scars. They act as moisturizer and help in healing quickly.

I am hoping this helps all the girls and guy and teenager who have to fight acne everyday, ask me if you have any more doubts.


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  1. Acne Scars Treatment January 9, 2010 at 6:14 PM  

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  3. aesthetic clinic June 23, 2012 at 2:45 PM  

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  4. Acne Treatment Reviews November 30, 2012 at 2:01 PM  

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