Harvesting solar power to save environment and save money has been on awareness a lot of late. In order to help further we shall let you, our readers know on how to reap solar power at domestic level. A survey says that a normal city with about 6 millions house has more than 200 billion squares feet of roof space exposed to sunlight which is totally unused. This unused space can produce about 200 mega watt of energy. How to tap this energy source? well by solar energy harvesting . The new legislation order allows to generate and purchase 250 kilo watts of energy, the amount of energy which can be generated from a roof space of 35,000 sq feet. TO make this more of a incentive the electric board grid has promised to pay 4 times the unit rate it charges for every unit of energy one produces and amount generated from it shall be adjusted from your electricity bill. The floor and roof limits for it are 2 units to 250 units.


The producer shall have to apply and get a green certificate before he/she can sell can green energy to make sure all the green energy rules and norms are followed. The certificate shall also let get carbon credit benefit and thus adopt a CDM (clean development management). A normal vineyard spread over a hectare if used to power 10,000 houses . The cutting edge innovation have allowed the green technology to get very financially viable with cheaper green materials and providing a better ecological balance . No doubt nuclear is still the energy to reckon with and all emanation of any radio active element are totally ruled out but the support and technology for it is still very expensive, thus the cleanest form of energy is still a vague idea and the green energy of solar power is the go with.



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